WPH n.e.V. was created on February 17th, 2022. The Abreviation «WPH» means World Photo History - The World in Progress!“ and it is a non profit Organisation. Its additive «n.e.V.» means that the organization is also non-registered but it can always be registred when the founders decide.
WPH n.e.V. is based in Berlin and its principal objectives during two years after its inception was to pursue two activities. We called them «Kulturforum» and «Freizeit in Freiheit» in german.
«Kulturforum» means «cultural forum» and it was a place to discuss photo projects, while «Freizeit in Freiheit» means «Hobby time in Freedom». This activity gave us and our fans the possibility to organize various cultural activities and hobbies together.
Now, two years later, we want to follow two new purposes.

With this principal activity WPH n.e.V. creates a digital place for photos which has an artistic function and can interconnect art and knowlegde. This way the collection of photos will create a history of the Digital Photography Museum and of the photos by itself. In this category we dedicate two digital places to each one exhibition:
1. The Permanent Exhibition
2. The Special Exhibition
This second activity serves to organize photography competitions based on hobby photography each year in order to choose the winning photo of the year and to promote the photographer by showing his photo on our website.